Today is The World Environment Day and the United Nations theme for this year is – “Beat Plastic Pollution…”

Actually this is a very important point. Many rivers, drainage, sea are getting polluted today due to uncontrolled, inappropriate use of plastic. Fish in the sea, animals and birds around us are dying.

Also in our daily life it is causing terrible complex health problems. It should be reduced and completely stopped.

But if we look at the journey of modernity of the world, automobiles, trains, internet, steel, cement, modern technology for agriculture, health facilities and overall industrialization have as much share in this as in the past fifty years, plastics have also contributed in a good sense.

Around 70-75 years from 1950 to 2023, plastic covered the entire world.

Even if you just look around, you will know that your pen, bottles, packaging, mobile, shoes, boots, TV, fridge, AC, laptop, computer, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, hall, cosmetic bottles, lights, office furniture, a chair, a car, an airplane you take any object will see plastic everywhere.

No matter how hard we try, we cannot make plastic obsolete in a day or even in a few years.

Every year on Environment Day, the United Nations gives people a task to save the environment. This year’s task is plastic ban or a proper use.

Now we all know what is United Nations case? Who are the Big Five Nations in the United Nations?

China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and America. Now this countries itself are mainly involved in huge plastic production, exports as well as consumption of same.

As of today, all of the above are developed countries. Their per capita plastic consumption is also very high. Not only that, their use of plastic has become an integral part of their life.

In America, the amount of plastic used per person per year is around 110 kg, in the whole world this amount is average 30 kg, while in India this amount is only 13.6 kgs per person. Which is very insignificant compared to advanced country like USA.

In terms of plastic production, China alone produces 32% of the world’s plastic. This is followed by the NAFTA region in which countries like Mexico, Canada and the US together produce 19% of plastic.

Even in terms of exports, China is far ahead of India. It has become the plastic supplier country of the whole world. They are earning billions of rupees from this exports.

Looking at all these statistics, I always feel that all these advanced countries are like the liquor sellers in our village – “LIQUOR BAN” movement.

There are some heavy figures in the village who are themselves in the liquor business but also provide money and strength to the anti-prohibition agitators from within. Also, some of their people enter the movement. They made to heat up the environment and cool it down again at the right time. Therefore, if a new liquor baron or a new competitor was being formed in the village, their plan is to eliminate him secretly in such a shrewd way of politics.

The key point is that no country has yet been able to accept a cheaper alternative to this plastic that could be supplied in such large quantities. Or they have not been able to completely stop the use of such single used plastics. (With the exception of countries like Norway)

Many startups in our country actually have a great opportunity in this… If we can do something from research through innovation, ethanol or in some other ways, our generation can do a great job of giving a new direction to the whole world.

We Salute to all those who work hard on energy conservation, environment, tree plantation, non-conventional energy sources, global warming, net zero carbon emission, green hydrogen, sustainable eco-system, water pollution, air pollution….

Happy environment Day 🌱🌎

This Environment Day let’s stand United to protect our planet’s precious resources and join Liquigas in making a sustainable difference.

Fuel, power and energy management company

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